Feb 28, 2014

Bash Script to install all tools for ARM - Cortex M4F with StellarisWare on Linux

Target: LM4F120 Series of ARM Cortex-M4 (Texas Instruments)
OS Platform tested at the moment: Linux Ubuntu 13.04

Hi, actually i have been busy with some projects and i don't have so much time to write posts, but don't change the page now because i will present the "magic" script that i have developed. Yeah, you could think that i'm stupid by saying that's a magic script but i would like to note that for new users like me, this can help a lot and with a little changes you can use in other kind of debian distributions systems like PureOS, Debian, Stormix, Commodore OS, Ångström, etc...I wrote this to help me install all tools required to build programs for ARM cortex M4 with Stellaris Ware. The script is pretty simple, it creates a folder to put all files from the repos and make them of recursive form, if you need some help with a problem or error or the script takes a long time to forward, comment and a i will be greatful to answer. This script runs in BASH and you just need to open the terminal (ctrl + alt + t) and change the permission to execute the file. I will show how to do this in the steps below:

Step 1. Create the file:

Just open any text editor, like gedit and paste the script below, after save the file with "name.sh"
#Ânderson Ignácio da Silva -2014/1 - www.esplatforms.blogpsot.com.br
#to run just type in terminal sudo chmod  +x arm_installer_stellaris.sh, add your password and execute (./arm_ins....)
sudo clear

  #n-continue same line // e- special chars
  echo -ne "\nAdding repository source of gcc arm..." 
  # argument -y no asking // &-redirect without echo // > - copy return to this file replacing all // >> - > - copy return to this file without replace
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded -y &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt 
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -n "Updating source repositories..."
  sudo apt-get update -y &> /dev/null
  echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"
  echo -n "Installing gcc for arm..."
  sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi -y &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "E: Unable to locate package gcc-arm-none-eabi" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    #Fix the reference in terry.guo repo changing saucy by raring
    sudo sed -i 's/saucy/raring/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/terry_guo-gcc-arm-embedded-saucy.list
    sudo apt-get update -y &> /dev/null
    sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi -y &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
    echo -e "\e[34mRepo bug fixed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -en "\nCreating the source folder..."
  mkdir -p $srcFolder/stellarisware &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -en "Download \e[31m\e[1mStellaris Library(http://www.ti.com/tool/sw-ek-lm4f120xl)\e[21m\e[97m..."
  while true
    if [ -f ~/Downloads/SW-EK-LM4F120XL-9453.exe ]; then
      echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  sudo apt-get install -y unzip &>> /dev/null
  unzip -u ~/Downloads/SW-EK-LM4F120XL-9453.exe -d ~/$srcFolder/stellarisware &>> /dev/null

  echo -n "Making the library..."
  cd ~/$srcFolder/stellarisware
  make &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -ne "\nInstalling some required tools..."
  sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev -y &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -ne "Installing git tools..."
  sudo apt-get install git -y &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"
  echo -ne "Clonning gitrepo of lm4tools..."
  cd ~/$srcFolder
  git clone https://github.com/utzig/lm4tools.git &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  cd ~/$srcFolder/lm4tools/lm4flash
  echo -ne "Making tools..."
  make &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -ne "Adding lm4flash to usr profile..."
  sudo echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/$srcFolder/lm4tools/lm4flash" &>> ~/.profile 
  echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"
  echo 'ATTRS{idVendor}=="1cbe", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00fd", GROUP="users", MODE="0660"' | \
  sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-stellaris-launchpad.rules &>> /dev/null
  sudo usermod -aG users users $var &>> /dev/null

  mkdir -p ~/$srcFolder/
  cd ~/$srcFolder/
  echo -ne "Cloning openOCD repositories..."
  git clone http://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  mv -f code openocd &>> /dev/null
  cd ~/$srcFolder/openocd
  echo -ne "Updating git repo and changing the branch..."
  git fetch http://openocd.zylin.com/openocd refs/changes/22/922/15 &>> /dev/null
  git checkout FETCH_HEAD &>> /dev/null
  echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -ne "Setting the module..."
  ./bootstrap &>> /dev/null
  ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-ti-icdi &>> /dev/null
  make &>> /dev/null
  echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

  echo -ne "Installing the openOCD..."
  sudo make install &> ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt
  if  grep -qs "Failed" ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt; then 
    echo -e "\e[31mFailed!\e[97m"
    echo -e "\e[34mComplete!\e[97m"

echo -e "\e[4m\e[1m\e[34m\tInstaller for ARM Cortex M4F - STELLARIS LM4F120 Ver. 1.0"
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\e[24m\nAuthor:\e[21m\e[97m Ânderson Ignácio da Silva - http://esplatforms.blogspot.com.br/"
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\e[24mOS Tested:\e[21m\e[97m Ubuntu 13.04 or higher"
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\e[24mWARNING 1:\e[21m\e[97mRemember to put the stellaris library file (SW-EK-LM4F120XL-9453.exe)\ninto ~/Downloads!"
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\e[24mWARNING 2:\e[21m\e[97mVisit http://openocd.zylin.com/#/c/922/ to check the last updates and\nthen update the script of openOCD"
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\e[24mFree source code for everyone. :)\e[21m\e[97m"
read -e -p "Type folder name to install:" srcFolder

if [[ $srcFolder == *~* ]]
  srcFolder=$(sed -e 's/~//' <<<$srcFolder)

echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\nStep 1 - Installing GCC-ARM: \e[21m\e[97m"
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\nStep 2 - Installing the Stellaris Library: \e[21m\e[97m"
StellarisInstaller $srcFolder
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\nStep 3 - Installing lm4tools: \e[21m\e[97m"
lm4Install $srcFolder
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\nStep 4 - Configuring auto-tools: \e[21m\e[97m\n"
autoInstall $srcFolder
echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m\nStep 5 - Instaling OpenOCD: \e[21m\e[97m\n"
openInstall $srcFolder

sudo rm -rf ~/log_report_installer_arm.txt &>> /dev/null

echo -e "\e[34m------------------Success!------------------\e[97m"

echo -e "\e[0m"
exit 0

Step 2. Change the permission to execute:

In this step you just need to change the permission to execute the file into your system and for this open the terminal to put the command below:
sudo chmod +x name.sh

Step 3. Executing:

Before to execute i almost lost to advice, but you need to download the Stellaris Ware(SW-EK-LM4F120XL) from this link and put them into your ~/Downloads directory. And for finish, to execute the script just call them with "./name.sh" like below:

Tks All.

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